What I’m Doing Now

(This is a now page, and if you have your own site, you should make one, too.)

*Shout out to Derek Sivers for creating and curating this amazing concept.

Updated May 18th, 2024, from my home in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.

Update: Midlife Crisis Extended!

Somewhat joking, I’m still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. After publishing dozens of novels since 2009 and with the inevitable evolution of generative artificial intelligence, I’ve lost my desire for writing fiction. I have one passion project I’m tinkering with, but otherwise focusing mostly on crafting personal essays (without using AI) about my Gen X upbringing for my Gen Z daughter who is eternally curious about life B.I. (before internet).

I sold “Creative AI Digest” in April 2024, which has given me time to focus my creative energies on publishing those aforementioned essays on “Gen X is Best.” My good friend and partner in crime, Trudi Roth, joined as “Scrunchie Girl” and we’re having the best time navel gazing about the 70s, 80s, and 90s. GNXBST is purely a passion project for now. We don’t want to ruin the vibe by commercializing it. We’re not “selling out,” which is SO Gen X. Unless you throw a lot of money at us. Are you throwing a lot of money at us?

Empty Nesting

Our youngest graduates from high school in a few weeks. WTF?

Midlife Career Coaching

I’m about to enroll in a program that will earn me a counseling certificate from the National Career Development Association. My plan is to help other midlifers transition into a second act. I believe there are going to be millions of folks in their 50s and 60s who are going to need a lot of help figuring out what’s next.

The Happiness Curve

Despite the uncertainty and chaos in the world today, the Happiness Curve is real! I’ve never felt better physically, mentally, and emotionally. My wife and I are becoming best friends again, and I love her more now than I did when we met thirty two years ago.