Category: Season 1

  • Conclusion – Season 1

    Conclusion – Season 1

    Congratulations, dear reader, on reaching the end of the first season of “Ghosts: Desolation Descent.” You’ve journeyed with us through a world of mystery and intrigue, and we’re thrilled to have shared this adventure with you. Let’s take a moment to look back on the journey we’ve undertaken. From the protagonist’s awakening in a cold,…

  • Tears from Emerald Eyes

    Tears from Emerald Eyes

    “I don’t know, Cerby. Not sure I want to cross the clearing and talk to the Reaper again.” Those who venture into the unknown often find the unexpected. You have traversed many trials. Let your courage guide you. The future is not always as we imagine. I wasn’t asking for Mack’s opinion, but as he…

  • Hangmen


    “So I’m supposed to follow Cerby there, into the woods? Are you freaking kidding me?” I know the forest seems intimidating. But sometimes, the answers we seek lie in places that challenge us, that make us confront our fears. Remember, your perception will shape your reality here. It is important to keep a clear mind…

  • Lost Fire and Footprints

    Lost Fire and Footprints

    Having lost track of the distance we’ve covered or the time it has taken, the sense of endless walking through the desolate landscape weighs heavily on me—I can’t find my way. It feels like an eternity since I discovered Cerby hiding in the rusted truck, but in reality, it’s only been mere hours. This is…

  • Over the Void

    Over the Void

    Cerby doesn’t appear at all shaken from the attack and church’s collapse. He’s weaving back and forth in front of me as we continue along the tracks. I’ve seen rusted signs, evidence that this was once a vibrant place. But now it seems to be home to the wretched. I wonder if Industrial Way is…

  • The Unseen Power

    The Unseen Power

    “Is that a church?” I ask aloud. A cathedral of a time lost, perhaps. A sanctuary of old, where hope and despair often danced hand in hand. The way out is through. Cerby trots along. I wonder whether he can hear this voice, or if it’s only in my head. The sun lingers low, yet…

  • Death and Poetry

    Death and Poetry

    There’s a locket in my possession. I don’t know what to do with it. I have no clue about its owner or the reason behind its significance, yet an inexplicable understanding tells me it holds some sort of relevance. This sentiment seems to be affirmed by Cerby, the hellhound companion that walks beside me, a…

  • Fragmented Artifacts

    Fragmented Artifacts

    “Where is Cerby going?” Cerby seems to be following his instincts, drawn by some unseen force. Follow him, and trust in the journey. Perhaps he will lead you to something important. “Cerby!” Even dogs in alternate universes ignore me. The damn thing takes off like he’s chasing a squirrel, but I haven’t seen another living…

  • The Beacon

    The Beacon

    My first thought is Hellhound. The thing, the doglike creature. It’s not a dog. But it’s not a creature. Maybe it’s confused, like me. What was the name of the Dog of Hell in mythology? Cerberus. The Hound of Hades, a multi-headed dog, was said to guard the gates of the underworld in Greek mythology.…

  • Echoes of the Past

    Echoes of the Past

    I turn onto what I assume is Industrial Way, and I can see an opening through the trees about 50 yards to my right. Where do you think the tracks go? Tracks lead somewhere. From production to consumption, life to death, origin to destiny. Perhaps these tracks mirror your own path, unknown yet determined. But…

  • A Strange and Desolate World

    A Strange and Desolate World

    I can’t breathe. I’m in a basement, a subterranean room. It’s cold, and I see weak light coming through the cracks in the floorboards above as if it’s almost dawn. It smells musty, old, abandoned. I have cuts on my hands that have scabbed over, and a throbbing headache blossoming behind my right eye. You’re…

  • Introduction – Season 1

    Introduction – Season 1

    Welcome, dear reader, to the thrilling world of “Ghosts: Desolation Descent.” This is not your typical story. It’s a journey, a voyage through the unknown, and I invite you to join us as we unravel its mysteries together. “Ghosts: Desolation Descent” is a serialized adventure, structured in seasons, each consisting of ten riveting episodes. These…